In my drawings I am exploring a connection to place and the environment and my interpretation of weathering, erosion and disintegration. On one level my work is a contemplation of the physical weathering in the environment - abstract representations of a landscape I engage with. I am also influenced by the visuals of the mountains, landlines and formations of the skylines of my birthplace, weathered and eroded for millennia. But on a deeper more personal level my artwork is a reflection on the passage of time and fragility through breakdown and evolution from weathering and ageing; a parallel landscape of outer and inner worlds.
The majority of my drawings are quite large measuring 76x56 centimetres. The mediums include natural colorants such as botanical inks, ochres and charcoal making a further connection with the qualities of the land. The colour palette is often limited, exploring tonal changes, sometimes adding stitch, which allows her to embrace the concept of time, or timelessness.
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